A company that is not afraid of rapid change through trial and error

Marufukuro Yabukoshi Misaki / Joined in 2021
A company that is not afraid of rapid change through trial and error

How did you first encounter Plan-Do-See? What was your vision at the time?

There is a certain hotel that I go to every year with my family, and for me, hotels are wonderful and out of the ordinary places, so I have always wanted to work in the hospitality industry or in a hotel since I was in high school. However, I was worried about choosing without looking at other industries, so I looked at industries without narrowing it down. At that time, the only hotel company that came to a joint information session wasPlan Do See (hereinafter PDS), so I didn't know the company, but I listened to their talk and that's how it all began. At that time, I sympathized with their vision and mission, and I thought that what the HR member in front of me was saying was completely true, so I was attracted to them as a company and became interested in them.


However, when I talked to the adults around me about getting a job in the hotel industry, I got a lot of negative responses (salary, benefits), so I actually went to various resort jobs. After working there, I realized that I love hospitality and it's great, but I also felt that there were some negative aspects. I was weighing up what I liked and the treatment, but when I met PDS and saw an interview for job-hunting students with Shohei, who was the head of human resources at the time, he said, "I want to make the members who work here happier," I thought, "Of course I want to make the customers happy, but it's amazing that they think that far, and I don't think there are any other companies like that. I decided to join the company because I thought I could work here while doing what I love, which is hospitality, and find and embody a way to make people working in the hospitality industry happier.

A company that is not afraid of rapid change through trial and error

What makes you glad you joined PDS

In terms of the value and quality of PDS products, it is that we are able to provide truly good products.

Our vision is to create something that "everyone involved can be proud of." I recently felt this again; when I went to Ochiairou with my family, they were very impressed, and when we had a class reunion at 6th by oriental hotel, they were also pleased with the service. I feel proud to be able to offer something that has made my loved ones happy and that I would willingly take my loved ones to.


The best thing about working here is that people have higher expectations of me than I would expect.

When I was asked to take charge of the new graduate training for the accommodation department, I was told that I could decide everything, including who would be the project members, how many nights the training would last, the training content, and the budget. I thought, "Is there really a company like that?" (laughs) I'm grateful that they entrusted me with that much and that they continue to expect that I can do even more.

I'm currently in charge of the lounge at Marufukuro, and when I say, "Wouldn't it be better to do this in order to improve the lounge?" I often get the go-ahead, "Go ahead and try it." Of course, since it's my suggestion, I take full responsibility for seeing it through to the end, but I've learned a lot from communicating with people both inside and outside the company as I put it into shape.

What kind of company is PDS?

I think it is a company that is not afraid to change.

Maybe it's because I'm working in the third founding period of PDS, but salaries have increased, the president has changed, new businesses have been tried, and I feel that the speed of trial and error on the ground is incredible. Whenever wedecide to try something, everyone tries to make that decision the right one. Even when I was in charge of the lounge, I was able to put it into practice the very next day,

All members take on the roles of both leader and follower, andI think the speed at which they expect their members to grow is incredibly fast.

I feel that this is the flip side of the fact that I want to grow more myself and that people expect me to grow faster.

What does PDS mean to me?

Although it is a job, handling PDS products

I feel like my life has become so much richer.

Based on the interactions with the people I meet at work, such as p/d cosmetics, BECCIU furniture, and Tekazanya dashi soup stock, I feel like my work is a part of my own life.

When I tell my friends about the members and the atmosphere of the company, they often say, "Wow, you get along so well!"

There are many members I respect and would like to be involved with outside of work.

I think it’s one of the things that enriches life.

A company that is not afraid of rapid change through trial and error

Future Vision

I don't think my goals have changed since I joined the company.

Ever since I was a university student, I have wanted to make people working in the hospitality industry happier.

First of all, I have to embody it and prove that life is so rich.

Take pride in the work you do and cherish and appreciate the people around you.

To have a relaxed attitude.

Instead of working and getting exhausted, I want to give something to someone.

To feel an overwhelming sense of giving.

I feel that this has been made possible because of the existence of PDS.

While I think that the people who work at PDS are nice and friendly,

The products are very down to earth, which is why they are comfortable and trustworthy.

I want to continue to embody and prove this.